MATT'S CINEMA DIARY: 4-10 April, 2016

Matt's pesonal experience at various screenings throughout the week. This week, screenings of Passion of Love, Murderous Tales, Once Upon a Time in the West and Spotlight.

This week again was marked by my engagement in the production of my upcoming short film Love, Maybe, Not Quite, which would probably require a section on CineCola in its own right, as it is full of surprises and unpredictable turn of events for better or worse. But I was still able to make enough screenings to reach my self-imposed quota of 4 screenings in order to compile a feature for the site. 


There was one screening in particular I could not miss. That was the screening of what I time and time again have defined as my favorite favourite film, Once Upon a Time in the West. And that has led me to also think about the whole concept of calling something, anything, your "favourite," and how selfishly you own up to that something, anything, when you show it to anyone else, or attend a public event of when that very same something, anything is exhibited. 


Nevertheless, let's take it step by step, and here they are, one by one and in chronological order, my personal thoughts on the screenings that I have attended in the past week.