JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN (1971) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Dalton Trumbo

Written by - Dalton Trumbo, Luis Bunuel

Starring - Timothy Bottoms, Kathy Fields, Marsha Hunt, Jason Robards, Donald Sutherland


"A unique vision, directed by Trumbo, writer of the same 1930’s novel on which it is based, and a former blacklisted screenwriter because he had refused to testify before the HUAC in the late forties. This film is an enigmatic voyage through the dreams, recollections, memories and conversations with Jesus of a soldiers wounded in battle and left without arms, legs, ears, mouth, simply remaining conscious and unable to distinguish real life with imagination. Haunting anti war work, somewhat demanding, but nevertheless gripping, troubling and deeply engaging."


Drama, USA