Directed by - Tonislav Hristov


"ONCE UPON A DREAM was originally intended to be the story of the return of a spaghetti western production to Tabernas, Andalusia, where many such productions took place at the genre's most prominent era. However, from the very beginning, filmmaker TONISLAV HRISTOV's warm touch and sensibilities show that this is a film that stands on its own two feet and despite preconceptions that arise from its title, it is not a documentary restricted to a specific film savvy target audience. 

The bulk of the narrative of ONCE UPON A DREAM is provided by the return of CLAUDIA CARDINALE to the small village since shooting SERGIO LEONE's ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST. But it is only a gimmick, as the real beauty of the film lies in the stories of the village itself told via anecdotes. They are told by past generations, some of whom were directly involved in the films and one who claims to be the illegitimate son of HENRY FONDA. But also the present generation that despite working on its many themed attractions are mostly unfamiliar with westerns in general. 

In the end, this gem of a documentary pays a good tribute to a place that inspired many filmmakers in the past but also to the charming closeness of tightknit communities."


Documentary, Germany/Finland/Bulgaria