3/3/2015 - BFI Southbank to host an extended season of Polish cinema curated by Martin Scorsese

Throughout April and May, BFI Southbank (London, United Kingdom) will host Martin Scorsese Presents: Masterpieces of Polish Cinema, in partnership with the KINOTEKA Polish Film Festival and Filmhouse Edinburgh


This will be a two month season of films, curated by Martin Scorsese and screening in pristine digital restorations, which ill focus on a period when Polish cinema shook off creatively the restrictive pro-Soviet communist government shackles of Socialist Realism and produced a series of films which presented a remarkably clear eyes vision of their country.


The season includes films such as Camouflage (1976) by Krzysztof Zanussi - who will also attend for a special Q&A to open the KINOTEKA Polish Film Festival, Krzysztof Kieslowski's A Short Film About Killing (1987) [pictured above] and Andrzej Wajda's Palm d'Or winning masterwork Man of Iron (1981). 


The season, which suitably comes after Pawel Pawlikowski's Oscar victory with his feature Ida, will also continue at venues throughout the UK until the end of September.


Martin Scorsese said: "These are films that have great emotional and visual power. They are serious films that, with their depth, stand up to repeated viewings [...] it's really an exciting opportunity to discover for yourself the great power of Polish cinema."


For more information on the BFI season Martin Scorsese presents Masterpieces of Polish Cinema, click here.