THE WIND RISES (Kaze Tachinu) (2013) - ♦♦♦

Directed by - Hayao Miyazaki

Written by - Hayao Miyazaki

Starring - Hideaki Anno, Morio Kazama, Jun Kumimura


"The story of Jiro, a man with a passion for airplanes that becomes an influential figure in aeronautical engineering at the start of the 20th century. The character of Jiro is quite romantic and interesting due to his originating out of a mixture from the engineer Jiro Horikoshi and the authorTatsuo Hori, who lived at around the same time.


However, this Studio Ghibli by Hayao Miyazaki film is over all pretty over melodramatic and certainly stands as quite bland in comparison to other works by this animation studio that is highly regarded for its originality and creativity."


Animation, Japan