4/11/2014 - Darren Aronofsky to be Jury President of the Berlinale 2015

Darren Aronofsky will be Jusy president of the 65th edition of the Berlin International Film Festival. Berlinale festival director Dieter Kosslich announced the news today, adding the American filmmaker "has distinguished himself as an outstanding protaginist in contemporary auteur cinema. In his artistic approach he consistently sounds out cinematic language and its aesthetic possibilities."
The Requiem for a Dream filmmaker replied "At the Berlinale, the cinema is always exciting and fascinating. I am looking forward to watching the latest from the greatest in one of the great cities on the planet”
Aronofsky made his debut on the cinematic scene with his 1998 film Pi, which won him a Best Director award at the Sundance Film Festival. His film The Wrestler won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival 2008, and marked the phenomenal comeback of actor Mickey Rourke. In 2011, he was Oscar nominated for Best Director for his film Black Swan.