TITANIC (1997) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - James Cameron
Written by - James Cameron
Starring - Leonardo Di Caprio, Kate Winslet
"A romantic story of epic proportions that seems to follow the tradition of the great American classic productions like Gone With the Wind. Set on the infamously unsinkable Titanic, this is the forsaken love story between a first class girl and a third class boy. While Titanic willingly and obviously leans towards the conventional melodrama, the emotions seem true also because of the chemistry between its two young and beautiful leads Di Caprio and Winslet, respectively playing the characters of Jack and Rose. However, this being a John Cameron work, it is also an exciting spectacle that makes great use of special effects particularly in its gripping and intense final sequence. Overall, what Titanic suffers from the usual formalities and formulaic conventionalities of most blockbusters, nevertheless even the detractors and the sceptics will have to admit that action and romance mix susprisingly well in Cameron’s film, and that is no easy feat considering the numerous other failed attempts that could be quoted."
Drama, USA