ALICE SWEET ALICE (1976) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Alfred Sole

Written by - Rosemary Ritvo, Alfred Sole

Starring - Linda Miller, Brooke Shields, Mildred Clinton


"A young girl is charged with the murder of her sister. Her father sets off to prove her innocence, whilst this minute figure in a yellow slicker and a sinister mask seems to keep lurking freely, driven by bad intentions. 


With Alice Sweet Alice, Alfred Sole makes a rather entertaining and perfectly acceptable giallo horror slasher that openly borrows specific elements from films made before it – more notably Nicolas Roeg’s masterpiece Don’t Look Now


Particularly in the case of the latter film, Alice Sweet Alice doesn’t so much pale in comparison as much as it seems a rather different work altogether, more geared for entertainment whilst retaining a will to be driven by an admirable stylistic level and achieving a good charismatic and indeed frightening urgence thanks to its quick paced and frantic tempo."


Horror, USA