Sonic screening - short review - GOOD OL' FREDA by Ryan White

Does the name Freda Kelly sound familiar? No? Maybe it’s because she hasn’t told her story in fifty years. Freda was the Beatles’ secretary and manager of the fan club throughout most of their career, from their early days of the cavern to their split up. At some point in the film someone says that Freda’s story will be the last great story left to tell about the Beatles. Somehow, this is doubtful, as the story of the legendary Fab Four has been told time and time again in all manners and forms. Unfortunately, it is also untrue that this is a great story at all – good ol’ Freda is a sweet natured woman but she doesn’t offer the kind of priceless insight that a fan would hope for. What is very rewarding about the film is the loving and humble way in which she gives her own first-hand account of the times and it is lovely to see her eyes sparkle with joy and happiness as she remembers the band and those riveting wonderful days of her exciting youth.