Directed by - Steven Spielberg

Written by - Ian Watson, Steven Spielberg (based on a novel by Brian Aldiss)

Starring - Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor


"A futuristic Pinocchio tale, A.I. talks about David, an “mecha” boy built by a human to love and adopted by a family. After the family abandons him, he desperately searches for a ‘blue fairy’ to turn him into a real boy so his mother can love him again.


This film has been associated as a blend between Kubrick’s bleakness and Spielberg’s warm heartedness, and in fact this is the film’s winning formula – at least in the film’s first half. After that, it begins to go downhill as it settles for a clichéd futuristic fairytale structure that strips it of its darkest and most interesting points.


As expected in a Spielberg production, A.I. is a true visual spectacle and though far from perfect it’s interesting and features a really good performance by one of the best child actors of all time Haley Joel Osment."


Science Fiction, USA