DEMOCRATS (2014) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Camilla Nielsson


"Documentarian CAMILLA NIELSSON gives us an unusual insightful look at the politically unstable situation of Zimbabwe, as a new and more democratic system is being put together by the ruling party of strongman ROBERT MUGABE and the divided opposition. 

The enriching charge of DEMOCRATS is that it compiles a complete report on all the aspects of this delicate evolution of the socio political mindset of the country of Zimbabwe, and it does so not only by paying heed to the solemnity of the act, but also most rewardingly looking at more intimate aspects of its subject by having direct contact with its key players. 

Most admirably, despute NIELSSON and her crew being from Denmark and being allowed somewhat unprecedented insight in such a situation from an African country, it is almost completely devoid of typical neo-colonialist prejudices and hence feels rather faithful in a fresh and authentic way."


Documentary, Denmark