LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD (L'Année Derniére á Marienbad) (1961) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Alain Resnais

Written by - Alain Robbe-Grillet

Starring - Giorgio Albertazzi, Delphine Seyrig, Sacha Pitoeff


"With this puzzling tale, Resnais takes the French New Wave to new and more experimental territories by making a most iconoclastic movie built around the puzzling mystery of whether a man really had a love affair with a woman the previous year. As a film it has a stand out appeal that is almost impossible to explain; the aesthetic value of the film is amazing, whether it is for the cinematography made up of long smooth tracking shots and close ups of details of rooms and patters, or the art direction that makes the sets look wonderful, glamorous and majestic. Perhaps it is quite simply the ability to get under the viewer’s skin by reproducing a dream like vision inspired by expressionism and the fast moving cinematic language of France but also taking place all over the world."


Drama, France/Italy