SATAN'S BREW (Satansbraten) (1976) - ♦♦♦

Directed by - Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Written by - Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Starring - Kurt Raab, Margit Carstansen, Helen Vita
"Black comedy about a poet who believes himself to be the reincarnation of the 19th century homosexual poet Stefan George. Fassbinder’s work has plenty of slapstick and caricatural personages to keep an audience entertained; it is however undeniable tha somehow it feels as if the crazy situation gets out of his control as he awkwardly tries to drive a messy film to a sort of a conclusion in the end. As a surreal depiction of moral decadence it’s quite amusing and engaging, but the coldness of it all makes it an over-zealous and self-indulgent kind of work."
Comedy, West Germany