Films On Film section - review - A FULLER LIFE by Samantha Fuller

In occasion of the 100th birthday of legendary American filmmaker Sam Fuller, his daughter Samantha channels his spirit and makes a celebration of his exciting life in her film A Fuller Life.


She does so by making use of her father’s own words, as written in his memoir and recited by friends and colleagues. She also makes use of footage her father shot, some of which have never been seen by the public, as well as scenes from his celebrated films. But the film is also full of special treats and the devil is often in the details whether we get a panoramic memorabilia from his films or famous personages contributing to the film by reading out loud Sam’s words and smoking a fine cigar – a trademark feature of the filmmaker.


The title says it all – it is not just a fancy pun. Sam Fuller did indeed live a full and eventful life, in fact starting off as a newspaperman wanting to make it big in that sector, fighting in the Second World War motivated by what he called the biggest crime of the century and subsequently settling for a riveting and original career in film. In this sense, we really take a closer look at the man behind the filmmaker and the inspiration behind the filmmaker.


Despite the shock and horrors witnessed, particularly during his life in the Second World War, Samantha remains true to her father’s character by retaining a more than welcome air of optimism that is quite refreshing. As well as that, despite the fact that she is his daughter, this is not a film that exclusively explores their relationship but rather takes a 360 degree look at his life – something that fans should certainly appreciate.


Nevertheless, A Fuller Life is still a work of love. It is not just the love of a daughter for her father who was responsible for organising this party of sorts, but also the love of the guests that show up from the occasion. A parade of big names from James Franco, Tim Roth, Wim Wenders, William Friedkin and many more, who offer contributions that enrich the experience.