DUCK SOUP (1933) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Leo McCarey

Written by - Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby, Arthur Sheekman, Nat Perrin

Starring - Groucho Marx, Chico Marx, Harpo Marx, Zeppo Marx


"Comedy perfection. In this film about Groucho becoming the dictator of a small country which goes to war on a neighbouring small country is among the most delightful and side-slappingly funny comedy films of all time. The Marx Brothers here reach a certain standard that seems to fulfil their style entirely, but apart from the film’s entertaining appeal, one can admire the theological and satirical themes upon which its story is built. McCarey’s direction also adds to the appeal of the film, as his style brings a technical depth to the work which had lacked in previous Marx Brothers films."


Comedy, USA