V FOR VENDETTA (2005) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - James McTiegue
Written by - Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski (based on a graphic novel by David Lloyd)
Starring - Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea
"Based on a famous DC comic, this film is based in a Britain of the future ruled by a totalitarian government which finds opposition in a mysterious figure who wears a mask and calls himself V and stirs the people’s anger towards their fury. From the genial minds of the Wachowski brothers who wrote and produced this film, comes a very different kind of science fiction film; it is daring in it portrayal of terrorism and media hypocrisy and a great reflection on the messed up world in which we live. The graphics and special effects are spectacular and the film as a whole is memorable and iconic. The leads are all great, with Portman as the young woman who bonds with V being particularly notable for her performance in some very difficult and riveting scenes."
Science Fiction, USA/UK/Germany