Directed by - Choé Zhao

Written by - Chloé Zhao

Starring - John Reddy, Dakota Brown, Cat Clifford


"A rare and admirable representation of a contemporary Native American community. SONGS MY BROTHERS TAUGHT ME is more specifically set in Pine Ridge, an empoverished area of South Dakota plagued by alcoholism and general neglect. 

The narrative is not particularly original - a young man from the community dreams of getting away. Yet, first time feature director CHLOE ZHAO makes the viewing experience very rewarding by focusing on atmosphere, not least of all by taking advantage of the distinctive desertic setting, but also by revealing the fascinating community as a whole and with a closer examination of singular characters and their own distinctive personalities. This also prevents the film from seeming preachy, and feeling more like a tribute with an uplifting final message about the hope that rests in the hands of future generations. 

Furthermore, the respectful nature of the representation of its community is enriched by the filmmaker's sensibilities of its heritage, which offers a sense of closeness and warmth in the film's aforementioned hopeful take-home message.

SONGS MY BROTHERS TAUGHT ME is also a testimony to the great impact and enriching aspects of street casting. The lead players, mostly playing themselves, are incredible and add a great tinge of realism that would have been difficult to achieve otherwise."


Drama, USA