TWO WOMEN (La Ciociara) (1960) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Vittorio De Sica
Written by - Cesare Zavattini, Vittorio De Sica (based on a novel by Alberto Moravia)
Starring - Sophia Loren
"De Sica remains true to his neo-realist style in this adaptation of a Moravia novel. It is the story of a woman with a successful small business, who decides to take her daughter to her place of origin after the Allies begin bombing the city of Rome. Along the way they witness and become victims of some of the horrors of war. A hauntingly dramatic tale of a mother and her daughter struggling to survive and even maintain the love they have for each other, with excellent performances, including perhaps the best Sofia Loren one ever."
Drama, Italy/France