Directed by - Bryan Singer
Written by - Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris, Bryan Singer (characters by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster)
Starring - Brendan Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth
"Singer showed his love for the man of steel when he chose to direct this film instead of completing his X-Men trilogy. Furthermore, he decided to pick up the original Superman franchise that had starred Christopher Reeve by having his Superman Returns follow one of the films in that series – although some detractors may argue that by doing so he skilfully avoided the drag of having to explain the origins of Superman and thus avoid the introductory mumbo jumbo that has slowed down similar films in the past. Nevertheless, the casting of Brandon Routh was also similar to the casting of Reeve and in many ways the style of the film, while technically updated with the modern CGI techniques, remained faithful. Here, Superman returns to Earth to become its savious and reclaim his love for Lois Lane after a long visit to his home planet of Krypton. It’s fun though rather lukewarm and lacking a certain excitement and creativity. In other words, its straight forward nature is rather unflattering, and while its overall solidity doesn’t make up for a lack of ambition, it still ensures that Superman Return remain at least passable."
Action, USA