UNDER SUSPICION (2000) - ♦♦♦

Directed by - Stephen Hopkins
Written by - Tom Provost, W. Peter Iliff (based on a novel by John Wainwright and an earlier screenplay by Claude Miller, Jean Herman and Michel Audiard)
Starring - Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman
"Remake of a 1981 French film, this thriller traces the investigations of a wealthy tax attorney on his discovery of the corpse of a dead 12 year old and who is treated as the main suspect on the evening of a charity ball he is supposed to attend. The sparks of the film’s intelligence in handling the intertwining storyline which unravels in the space of a restricted time setting is admirable and keeps the film interesting. Despite all this, the film moves frustratingly slow and still doesn’t seem to give the audience a real reason as to why we should either hate or sympathise with the characters and their aims throughout its course."
Thriller, France/USA