SWEPT AWAY (Travolti da un Insolito Destino Nell'Azzurro Mare d'Agosto) (1974) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Lina Wertmuller
Written by - Lina Wertmuller
Starring - Giancarlo Giannini, Mariangela Melato
"A fiery and independent female factory owner is accidentally stranded on a deserted island with a virile yacht hand. Under the circumstances, she succumbs to his masculinity and falls in love. Disregard the Madonna remake; the orinigal Wertmuller work is a gem of satire on the times and society, as well as a witty comment on the nature of the battle of the sexes. In fact, its cleverness also makes it work as a surrogate and explicit metaphor of relationships in general. Giannini and Melato share a great chemistry, even in the passionate scenes of love, and the screenplay is very intelligently funny, making the most out of a seemingly restrictive situation."
Comedy, Italy