SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER (Tirez Sur le Pianiste) (1960) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Francois Truffaut
Written by - Francois Truffaut, Marcel Moussy (based on a novel by David Goodis)
Starring - Charles Aznavour
"A piano player with a simple life becomes involved in a crime story when two gangsters meet him wanting to get even for a past offense. Truffaut had admitted in the past to not being a big fan of thrillers. Indeed, that is perhaps what makes Shoot the Piano Player so interesting – it explores the genre from a different viewpoint and gives a more or less conventional gangster storyline a more idiosyncratic style. To top it off, he casts popular French chanteur Charles Aznavour in the lead role in a fortunate piece of casting. This film is fast, trendy and rather creative."
Thriller, France