David Cronenberg dislikes Kubrick's 'The Shining'

After author Stephen King's famous dismissal of Kubrick's version of his own novel The Shining - which he re-iterated at the presentation of his sequel of the book 'Doctor Sleep' by even calling it a mysogynist film - David Cronenberg spoke strongly against the British fillmmaker's much loved vision.


"I believe I am a much more intimate and personal director than Kubrick," said Cronenberg (The Dead Zone, A History of Violence). "That is why to me The Shining is not a great film. I don't think he knew what he was doing. In the book, there were some fantastic images, and he got them but I don't think he felt them. In a bizarre way I think he, even if he is so highly regarded, was more interested in the commercial success."


Certainly a controversial standpoint. What do you think? Let me know - send me an e-mail at ayroli125@gmail.com