BITTER END OF A SWEET NIGHT (Amai Yoru no Hate) (1961) - ♦♦♦

Directed by - Yoshihige Yoshida

Written by - Yoichi Maeda, Yoshihige Yoshida

Starring - Masahiko Tsugawa, Michiko Saga, Teruyo Yamagami


"The romance between a young man and young woman is disturbed by their plans of chasing money by seducing members of the wealthy classes. 


Considering the original premise, it is truly a shame that Yoshihige Yoshida's Bitter End of a Sweet Night should remain so unfulfilled and ultimately shallow. It is very clumsy at portraying its themes of moral concerns with the younger Japanese generation of its times. The lack of focus in the portrayal of this theme is highlighted by its inability to find a balance between its fundamental carelessness and a more patronising and preachy approach. 


The character development is also widely disappointing, as is the whole pacing of the film, unaided by some bad work of editing. Despite all this, the film features some surprisingly good performances by the young cast that help redeem many of the film's flaws."


Drama, Japan