Directed by - George Roy Hill

Written by - Steve Tesich (based on a novel by John Irving)

Starring - Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Close, John Lithgow


"GEORGE ROY HILL's cinematic translation of JOHN IRVING's fourth novel, by way of STEVE TESICH's adaptation, tells the story of the titular character Garp, the illegitimate son of a staunch feminist who becomes a writer, inspired by his infatuation for a the daughter of his school's wrestling coach, whom he goes on to marry. The film chronicles his life, as a child first, and then with him coming of age, examining different aspects of his life as a son, father and husband. 

For the most part, it is traditionally cinematic and some of its aspects follow certain formulaic dictates. However, the majority of the film is quite honest in its human portrayal of the character but also sensitive to the political changes in the American socio-political background, all of which prominently mark the narrative and add a fulfiling layer to the film. 

THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP arguably marked ROBIN WILLIAMS' debut in a dramatic role, and he handles the responsibilities quite well. But GLENN CLOSE as his feminist mother and JOHN LITHGOW as a transvestite who inhabits a utopian home setting for mistreated and abused females are just as impressive also because of their ability to carefully balance delicate roles often generally miserepresented in cinema."


Drama, USA