AMOUR FOU (2014) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Jessica Hausner

Written by - Jessica Hausner

Starring - Christian Friedel, Brite Schnoeink, Stephan Grossmann


"Amour Fou is based on the real life of a German poet named Friedrich Louis Vogel of the romantic era who convinced a seemingly content housewife to join him in a suicide pact.


Hausner channels feelings and emotions of classic literature by evoking them their extreme views on romanticism in an almost satirical way. Nevetrtheless, while the approach can be mostly described as deadpan and even a comedic one at that, there is also plenty of drama in the apparent coldness of the characters and their inabilities to truly connect and communicate in a substantial way.


Delightful art direction and still cinematography enriched by a meticulous mise en scene likens this film to the art of the time, and provides further cohesion in a very interesting film with much intriguing and yet soft spoken drama."


Period drama, Austria/Luxembourg/France