THE BIG SLEEP (1946) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Howard Hawks

Written by - William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett, Jules Furthman (based on the novel by Raymond Chandler)

Starring - Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Martha Vickers, Dorothy Malone


"Bogart plays Marlowe, a private detective hired to clean up the messes of the daughters of a wealthy murdered man. 


The Big Sleep is the second on screen collaboration between Bogart and Bacall. This film is often cited more than the predecessor To Have and Have Not, and it’s easy to see why. Hawks in using the characteristics of Bogart gave the perfect depiction of the film noir private detective. 


Though the storyline is tortuous, it deals in an intelligent and mature way with themes of morality and is very attentive towards the enigmatic ambivolence of some of its characters, including Lauren Bacall's femme fatale. 


It helps that the screen is naturally set alight by the great performances and sexual chemistry shared by Bacall and Bogart, and the screenplay even allows them playful moment that further reveal how well they worked together."


Noir, USA