STAR WARS (1977) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - George Lucas
Written by - George Lucas
Starring - Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness
"Luke Skywalker joins a jedi knight, a wookie, a cocky pilot and two droids to save the Universe from the evil Empire and Darth Vader, as well as rescuing poor princess Leia. Star Wars revolutionised cinema in more than one way. In more ways that one, it updated the way in which science fiction was presented, and modernised it by infusing it with adventurous and western elements. But of course, George Lucas must be praised for the creativeness of the whole project and the complexity of his universe for the Star Wars franchise set in a galaxy far far away, so good in fact that he seems to never want to stop exploiting it. Nevertheless, this film is a classic. The beauty of the cinematography is so inventive and so great that it recalls the epics of old and makes use of a way of nostalgic romanticism that deepens the fairy tale aspects of the story. All the while, Lucas also makes use of some of the most groundbreaking special effects ever seen in movies up to that point. In fact, despite the many tweakings that have been made with re-releases, even the original version still looks terrific and new. Apart from the technical aspects and overall competence and beauty of the project, Star Wars is a legitimately enetratining film with colourful characters, a fast pace and a great original score which is among the most famous and celebrated, this signed by master of the genre John William. On top of that, Lucas assembles a great cast that fit the roles memorably. Despite the huge commercialisation of this franchise, which kickstarted in 1977 with the release of this film, not even detractors or negative critics can find much bad to say about this spectacular film that tops the bill when it comes to commercial blockbusters. This is a beautiful entertaining film that will most likely continue to entertain generations to come."
Science Fiction, USA