FRANKENSTEIN (1931) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - James Whale

Written by - Garrett Fort, Francis Edward Faragoh, Richard Schayer, Robert Florey, John Russell (based on the novel by Mary Shelley, the composition by John L. Balderston and the play by Peggy Webling)

Starring - Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff


"An obsessed scientist gives life to a monstrous creature from body parts of exhumed corpses. Whale's film is a classic that continues to frighten to this day. This is not only to the great photography, with its careful lights and shadow play, but also because he is very sensitive to the many themes like madness and social acceptance that can be found in the original novel by Mary Shelley, thus never falling for the same tastelessness that has plagues many works of the same genre. While the whole film and its style is still very influential, Karloff's performance as Frankenstein's monster is among the most iconic of all time."


Horror, USA