15/8/2014 - Iris Prize 2014 shortlist announced

Organisers of the Iris Prize, supporter by the Michael Bishop Foundation announced on 11/8/2014 the 30 films that will be competing for the £25,000 prize - the world's pargest international gay and lesbian short film prize. The films will screen during this year's Irish Prize festival, which takes place in Cardiff from the 8th to the 12th of October.

Andrew Pierce, festival chair, said "Iris is recognised for supporting talented film makers from all over the world. Five shorts, made with the prize, have been produced since we launched in 2007 and a sixth is just about to start filming. Iris is more than just a trophy that gathers dust or a certificate that yellows on the wall. Iris is what film makers need – funding, support and guidance".

A major theme in this year's selection is old age, including a late night search for Viagra by two old men. Here is the list of the short films nominated this year, which for the first time, features a production from Chile and Cambodia:

- ABAN + KORSHID by Darwin Serink (USA)
- ALL GOD'S CHILDREN by Brendon McDonall (Australia)
- BARRIO BOY by Dennis Shinners (USA)
- BLACK IS BLUE by Cheryl Dunye (USA)
- BOMBSHELL by Erin Sanger (USA)
- BOYGAME by Anna Osterlund Nolskog (Sweden)
- CAMOUFLAGE by Stephan Kampf and Andreas Kessler (Germany)
- CHALEUR HUMAN by Christopher Predari (Belgium)
- CIGANO by David Bonneville (Portugal)
- DAS PHALLOMETER by Tor Iben (Germany)
- EINFACH - SIMPLE by Markus Wende (Germany)
- END OF SEASON SALE by Eli Glazer (Israel)
- FH2: FAGHAG2000 by Em LaGrutta (Australia)
- GLEISDREICK by Maria Jose San Martin (Chile)
- GRECO - ROMAN by Aleksander Godo Alnes (Norway)
- I AM SYD STONE by Denis Theriault (Canada)
- I LOVE HOOLIGANS by Jan-Dirk Bouw (Netherlands)
- LIVES UNDER THE RED LIGHT by Vanna Hem (Cambodia)
- LIVING IN THE OVERLAP by Cindy Hill and Mary Dolton (USA)
- MIDDLE MAN by Charlie Francis (UK)
- MITRAA by Ravi Jadhav (India)
- NOVENA by Anna Rodgers (Ireland)
- O NYLON DO MINHA ALDEIA by Possidonio Cachapa (Portugal)
- ONE MORE NIGHT by Jeff Woodward (Canada)
- REMISSION by Christopher Brown (UK)
- SURPRISE by Leslie Bumgarner (USA)
- THE PACKAGE by Rafael Aidar (Brazil)
- THE USUAL by Ruth McNally (Ireland)
- ZEBRA by Julia Ocker

The full Iris Prize Festival programme will go live on Tuesday 26 August 2014.