THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI (1954) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Mark Robson

Written by - Valentine Davies (based on a novel by James Michener)

Starring - William Holden, Grace Kelly, Fredric March, Mickey Rooney


"In THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI, WILLIAM HOLDEN plays a lieutenant who reluctantly leaves his wife and children to go back to the servis and on a mission that is practically suicidal. 

The film has plenty of dramatic backdrop to serve the more action packed sequences, which in turn are embellished by some truly spectacular scene that make use of real shots of combat and large scale models to a great effect, an asset that is particularly evident in the gripping final sequence. However, what makes the film stand out among other war movies is that rather than play the card of patiotism to an obnoxious excess, THE BRIDGES OF TOKO-RI makes some legitimate observations on the sacrifice and courage of the men who went to war and allows a sense of poignance to show in its examination of the sad inevitability of war. 

WILLIAM HOLDEN, in his quiet determination, provides an excellent leading performance at the peak of his career to show such sacrifice and inner struggle. But it is also due to the focus on the final hours he spend together with his wife, played by the ever radiant GRACE KELLY, which puts a further human spin on its themes. 

Likewise, director MARK ROBSON collective observation seems to treats the regular seamen with the same amount of attention and respect as the heroes in the tale, which is equally admirable."


War, USA