THE ANABASIS OF MAY AND FUSAKO SHIGENOBU, MASAO ADACHI AND 27 YEARS WITHOUT IMAGES (L'anabase de May et Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi et 27 années sans images) (2011) - ♦♦♦ 

Directed by - Eric Baudelaire


"ERIC BAUDELAIRE's documentary tells the story of May, the daughter of a Japanese terrorist, and Adachi, an activist filmmaker. The two have one thing in common - their lengthy exile in Labanon. 

It is a very meditative film that uses the words of the subjects as spoken by them, and an array of archive footage and newly shot ones to reflect upon its themes, that vary between the life story of the two and the way in which their lives were marked by politics and cinema. 

MAY SHINEGOBU and MASAO ADACHI very interesting, as are their stories, and the compelling imagery that follows their works serves a purpose in really allowing one to be completely absorbed by what they are saying. What serves as an obstacle, however, is the fact that their stories don't necessarily gel on a strictly narrative sense, and this distrupts the pace of the film."


Documentary, France