ROPE (1948) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Alfred Hitchcock
Written by - Hume Cronyn, Arthur Laurents, Ben Hecht (based on a play by Patrick Hamilton)
Starring - James Stewart
"Two young men strangle a friend to prove that they are intellectually capable of committing a crime, and treating it like a work of art, they invite friends to a party where the body lies hidden in a chest. One of the most original works in Hitchcock’s filmography. Rope is groud breaking and experimental in bringing to the screen the perfect equivalent of a theatre play, with the camera really serving as a tool that is constantly searching for elements of interest and suspense with meticulous technical co-ordination and careful and delicate photography. The cast proves to be up to the challenge as well. A riventing take on thrilling claustrophobia that would fascinate Hitchcock throughout his career, with other classics such as Rear Window and Dial M for Murder."
Thriller, USA