BRAVEHEART (1995) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Mel Gibson

Written by - Randall Wallace

Starring - Mel Gibson


"A romanticized account of the legendary figure of William Wallace, who rounded up an amateurish gang of men to fight off the might of the British army, oppose England's oppression and exploitation of their lands to gain their freedom. 

MEL GIBSON's BRAVEHEART hardly opts for authenticity, and yet in the liberties it takes certainly made an instant impact on the epic type of picture it represents. While its structure mostly remains faithful to other swordplay classics of its time, its energetic ferocity gives the film an exciting and modern feel. This modern feel is evident in many elements, from the costumes that transcend the class of other epic period war biopics or dramas, to the dialogue that escapes the often stale composed language of most such films by way of its portrayal of masculinity that is often accompanied by a welcome sense of humour. 

Nevertheless, under MEL GIBSON's excellent direction, this is not a side that is exaggerated, and BRAVEHEART is able to voice some rewardingly genuine emotions. The picturesque visuals of the film, aided by the photogenic nature of its Scottish and Irish locations, and the spectacular battle sequences are, in fact, balanced by more intimate scenes that not only make the character of William Wallace seem far from being two dimensional and fuelled by a personal vendetta, but also refrain the film from being some type of vivacious and preachy representation of patriotism. 

GIBSON himself, it must be said, is at a career height, and is just as skilled behind the camera as he is powerfully iconic in front of it, unleashing all of his charisma and intensity in one of his best performances of all time. 

And where the drama looks to weaken, the film also benefits from one of JAMES HORNER's most celebrated soundtracks, which incidentally also became one of the best selling soundtracks from any film of all time."


Biopic, USA