STALAG 17 (1953) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Billy Wilder
Written by - Billy Wilder, Edwin Blum (based on the play by Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski)
Starring - William Holden, Don Taylor, Otto Preminger
"Stalag 17 is the story of a group of unheroic American war prisoners spending time in a Nazi prison camp during the Second World War. Based on the Broadway play, Billy Wilder’s film is less of an ordinary formulaic escape film and much more an edgy portrayal of American G.I.s as ordinary people whose main goal is keeping their own sanity by keeping themselves entertained with jokes, games and pin ups, and only occasionally and slowly plan an escape. A great screenplay and a great Holden performance, who stars as the cynical and even selfish Sefton."
War, USA