Directed by - Terry Gilliam

Written by - Ehren Kruger

Starring - Matt Damon, Heath Ledger


"THE BROTHERS GRIMM, as the title suggests, is TERRY GILLIAM's tale of the notorious titular authors who specialized in piecing together folklore during the 19th century. But it imagines them as experiencing their supernatural stories first hand, and in this film follows them as they fight against a wicked witch. 

GILLIAM did not write the screenplay, but in possibly trying to infuse his own imaginative identity within the narrative, his style becomes so confured and over ambitious that the whole production crumbles underneath it. Not only is it hard to see who this film is targeted towards, as some aspect are too juvenile and yet others are quite the opposite. 

Though the references to the actual titular authors and their works is charming, the rhythm of the film is all over the place and results in a lack of energy that is quite unlikely in such a gothic fantasy fest. Furthermore, the narrative itself seems unnecessarily convulted and complicated, a further testimony to a tumultuous production. 

The gothic visuals remain attractive, but also the sole downright admirable thing of the whole feature, that overall is disappointing."


Fantasy, USA/Czech Republic/UK