CFF screening - short review - WAVEMAKERS by Caroline Martel

Not many people will be familiar with the almost magical and yet obscure and mysterious instrument called the ondes Martenot. Yet, this early electronic instrument has an infectious hypnotic charge that has made most people who have come in contact with it in one way or another fall in love with it, including filmmaker Caroline Martel who came to know its haunting tones when she used it as the soundtrack to her previous film The Phantom of the Operator.


This certainly comes through in her latest documentary Wavemakers, that tracks its lifespan from its inception in the mind of its creator Maurice Martenot right down to its relevance in modern music – whether it is through Radiohead’s Johnny Greenwood or its most celebrated interpreter Suzanne Binet-Audet. Martel also shows a deep connection with the ondes Martenot by allowing its unique tones and vibratos to dictate its tone, mood and rhythm in a way that makes her documentary almost mystical and downright hypnotic.


A beautifully sensorial experience. A documentary that is a treat for the eyes and the ears, Wavemakers is also both a passionate and loving tribute to its subject as well as a warm appraisal of music’s most artisanal side.