THE EXORCIST (1973) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - William Friedkin

Written by - William Peter Blatty

Starring - Ellen Burstyn, Max Von Sydow, Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn, Jack McGowran, Jason Miller, Linda Blair


"One of the most perfect and bone chillingly scary horror films ever made, it is the story of a little girl who is possessed by the devil. The film is not only terrifying because of the startling visuals, the dark theme of the story and the compelling performances by the cast, it is also because of Friedkin’s direction and the quality of the script, both never disregarding an intimate and dramatic undertone for all individual characters, each with a compelling individual background story which adds depth and class to an otherwise used and abused horror storyline."


Horror, USA