ECCE BOMBO (1978) - ♦♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Nanni Moretti

Written by - Nanni Moretti

Starring - Nanni Moretti, Luisa Rossi, Fabio Traversa, Lina Sastri


"ECCE BOMBO was the first NANNI MORETTI commercial success. Much like his previous politically aware comedy I AM SELF SUFFICIENT, it has little time for following traditional narrative structures, opting instead for a more or less chronological sequence of vignettes that are tied together by concept and collective focus on the class of people whose stories it tells. 

In this case, the array of characters headed by NANNI MORETTI himself in the role of Michele Apicella, are young men whose stubborn political integrity prevents them from evolving as active members of society. Despite the potential of finding a job, for instance, they prefer to meet up in bars and organise loose political groups to discuss their outlandish theories. 

ECCE BOMBO is an excellent satire, clever and witty, very inspired and creative as well as seemingly free in form, unwilling to conform to cinematic traditionalism. There's no understating the breath of fresh air that MORETTI brought to international cinema and more specifically to the acclaimed commedia all'Italiana with his own brand of storytelling, that went on to influence many films to follow."


Comedy, Italy